Welcome to scientific training and events
- Initial training (OSU Pytheas, IPSL, OVSQ and participating courses): 70 students / 1 week per year
Seven university courses in six national institutions are hosted at the OHP:
UVSQ – Paris Saclay: Master Arctic Studies, Master ICE (Climate-Environment Interaction)
UVSQ – Paris Saclay – Paris 11 – Paris Observatory: Master Planetology
Paris 6 – 7: Master OACOS (Ocean-Atmosphere), Master TTS (Telesensing and Space Techniques)
AMU: Master PHYSICS, Master SET (Earth Environment Sciences / Climate Cycles).
– The first six take part in the SIMO (Measurement and Observation Introductory Course, website) initiated by IPSL in 2002 and coordinated since 2010 by I. Xueref-Remy. The entry into SIMO of Univ students. Lille is planned in collaboration with LOA/SNO PHOTONS (Ph. Goloub) from 2019. The majority of SIMO relies on CNAP staff participating in the OHP-GEO SI.
– The seventh is hosted since 2018 on 1 day (conferences and visit of the ICOS site (I. Xueref-Remy).
- The OHP regularly welcomes trainees and PhD students (about 10 theses since 2010).
Theses in progress:
Le Du T., Study, observation and modelling of atmospheric dynamics in the MLT (Mesosphere Lower Thermosphere), University of Paris-Saclay.
Caraty Y., Design and implementation of a rotating Raman lidar for measuring the temperature profile from 0 to 30 km above sea level, Paris-Sorbonne University, planned for 2019.
Sustained theses during the period 2015-2019:
Wing, R., Studies of 10-year changes in average atmosphere temperature, University of Paris-Saclay, 2019.
Bellisario C., Nightglow modelling at high altitude: theoretical and observational study, Université Paris-Saclay, 2015.
Hallemans, E., Study of the formation, aging and chemical composition of secondary organic aerosol in the Mediterranean basin, LISA, Supported on 15/12/2016, Univ. Créteil
Limery A, Study and realization of a Raman Lidar for hydrogen gas and water vapor detection in a storage cell of radioactive packages, Université Paris-Saclay, 2018.
Popovici, I. Space and temporal variability of aerosols as seen by the mobile system MAMS, LOA, 18/12/2018.
2017 A. Saunier (Aix Marseille University) Forest response to medium- and long-term drought scenarios applied in the natural environment: study of PUbescent oak COVBs, the main emitter of isoprene in the Mediterranean region
2015 N. Zannoni (Paris Saclay University) OH reactivity measurements in the Mediterranean region
2014 Mr Santonja (Aix Marseille University) Biodiversity-functioning relations in a climate change context
2014 C Kalogridis (LSCE Paris 11) Characterization of biogenic volatile organic compounds in the Mediterranean region
2014 A-C Génard (Aix Marseille University) Impact of water stress on Isoprene emissions from Quercus pubescens Willd
2013 R. Baghi (Paul Sabatier University) Biogenic emissions of volatile organic compounds in the Mediterranean region – instrumental development, measurements and modelling
- Doctoral training: 30 to 40 PhD students / 5 days a year, international
– ERCA (European Research Courses on the Atmosphere, coord. IGE since 1993 (http://erca-school.eu/).
School education: 20-30 students / 4 days per year
– SIMO Jr: training in the measurement and observation of middle and high school students (coord. A. Sarkissian, LATMOS)
- Continuing education: 3-6 people / 4 days per year
Preparing the meteo-France and IPEV winterers with SNO NDACC instruments (coord. J. Jumelet)
Summer schools (project funding):
– Carbon cycle, ICOS-NEON/FP7-COOPEUS, 10 jrs, 2014 – 2015 (https://carbonws2015.sciencesconf.org/)
– Soils and water, EU ERASMUS, 15 jrs , 2018 (https://www.uni-ulm.de)
Opportunities to strengthen lessons:
– A LIDAR TP will soon be developed to strengthen our initial and ongoing training.
Scientific events:
– Home of the Worskhop IR ATMO (spring 2015, 30 people, 4 days)
– Home Assembly TGIR ICOS-Fr 2018 (60 people, 3 days): https://icos-france.fr/article16/dezfrezfre
– Coming soon: celebration for the NDACC SNO of 40 years of LIDAR data and 30 years of SAOZ data at the OHP.
- Communication strategy:
– A website dedicated to THE SI OHP-GEO activities has been specially developed (https://ohp-geo.obs-hp.fr/) and will be launched in May.
– Events (campaigns, training, conferences, etc.) are broadcast by the Pytheas Newsletter, monthly
– PLATE of the OHP-GEO SI being developed (for download via the sites SI OHP-GEO, OSU Pytheas, OVSQ…)
- Spreading knowledge:
– Participations (ICOS and O3HP) in the GREC-SUD notebooks (PACA climate expert group) (www.grec-sud.fr)
– OHP visits and general public science conferences from April to October (approximately 7,000 visitors per year)
– Science Day: OHP’s annual participation (conferences, workshops).
- Relationship with civil society:
-Station AtmoSud: public dissemination of data (https://www.atmosud.org/donnees/acces-par-station)
-GREC-SOUTH for the link science – society – political actors PACA (members: I. Xueref-Remy, T.Gauquelin)
-The OHP is integrated into submitted projects labelled by Regional (Cap Energies) and National (Advancity Cities – sustainable) projects: ANR COoL-AMm project, Region thesis (coord. I. Xueref-Remy).